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About Lily

Lily King is a 40 year old mother of one super awesome teenager, living with her family in her childhood home in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. After moving back home in 2021, Lily spent a few years figuring herself out and has since remembered her love of art, a passion that she had forgotten for a bit while her life was shifting around.  She is completely self taught in all her artistic ventures, so she doesn't know a lot of the tricks of the trade and often ends up doing things the hard way.  XD


Along with painting and amigurumi, Lily enjoys spending time with her family, singing and playing incredibly amateurishly on her acoustic guitar, slooping with her bestie in Sea of Thieves, making ASMR content for Youtube, paddleboarding, and working on her many little artistic side gigs.  If you are interested in any of the other endeavors she is futzing around with currently, check out the links in the footer.

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